Your Inability to Transfer Big Files Might Be a
Metaphor for Your Life
You’ve probably heard the phrase, you’re your own worst enemy? It’s never intentional. You’re not crazy. You’re not waking up determined, like, I’m going to sabotage and hurt myself today. Yet sometimes we do things that we know are going to harm us.
For instance, we continue eating until we get a stomachache. You know you’re no longer hungry, but no one wants to waste food, and it was there. Or, we go out during the week and drink too much, knowing we’ll be tired and cranky at work the next day. But you had to, right? If you hadn’t, you might have missed something. Psyche.
In a work context this behavior might play out as waiting until the last minute to start on a deadline. You know the drill. You’ve had the assignment for weeks, but every time you went to start, there was something in the way. Game of Thrones – or some other series to binge watch – that pile of clothes to be sorted into new piles, a new e-book insisting that you finish it in one sitting. It could be anything, except actual work.
Or, you waste time trying to make something broken or no longer efficient work. This is more common than you think, especially in a work context, and the inability to move or change is often motivated by fear. Someone stays on a job longer than they should because the job market is this or that. Or, you’re still trying to transfer big files by uploading to the cloud first.
The sentiment can be true for almost anything: relationships, processes, machinery, jobs. It can be hard to abandon something and start over. It feels like failure. Like you’re at fault, not that something may not be the right solution for that time or that scenario.
The real issue occurs when you refuse to face the truth of a situation though. It’s like Kim Scott says in a recent podcast about her book Radical Candor, sharing that something is troubling is important for you, and for others, to get on the same, or the right, page – even if it’s scary. For those of you who aren’t familiar with radical candor, it’s a philosophy about caring personally and challenging directly at the same time.
In the context of radical candor, Scott is often talking about how to be a great boss, giving feedback humbly and leadership in general. But her work is still relevant to self-management because the first stage of being a great leader is being able to effectively lead oneself. Even if it requires candid, and caring, conversations about the need for change.
Take large file sharing, for instance. It’s not the most obvious metaphor, but stick around for a bit. It can be a pain to transfer big files. When it comes to email, there are file size and file quantity restrictions. If you have a lot of data to send – especially if your files are big – you won’t be able to do it in one email. Sometimes you can’t transfer big files via email at all.
Fortunately, there are a lot of file transfer software solutions on the market – of which Binfer is one – but they don’t all perform the same. Using some of the options on the market will present you with many of the same restrictions as email, especially if you are only using the free portion of the product. Binfer has a free threshold as well.
So, then you have to decide which of your many options is worth investing in. Many file transfer software options use the cloud, which can have security issues as well as taking too long – you may already know too well what an unfortunate time suck the whole upload-download business can be. Just don’t stick with the known but inefficient option because it’s known, and refuse to look around for better options that work better.
You have to consider: What other factors impact your decision? Do you want to be able to drag and drop large video files? Do you want to be able to send large files of any file size or quantity and not worry about cloud security issues or get pushed creepily accurate advertisements? Do you want the option to pay for your data transfer needs on an ad hoc basis vs. a monthly subscription?
Choices are great, especially if you can try something without serious consequences. Trying Binfer’s file transfer software is one of those choices. But if you’ve been trying to change some of your non file transfer-related bad behaviors, and you’ve been frustrated by your inability to stick with it, don’t feel too bad. Remember, it’s really common to want to stay the course, even when something is not working. Many of us will stubbornly stay the course and metaphorically end up in a ditch.
To encourage yourself to change for good, take these three actions.
Adjust slowly. It’s okay if things don’t work out all the time or the first time. It’s not okay if things don’t work out because you refuse to adjust your behavior or perceptions of the situation at hand.
Accept that you’re flawed. It’s okay. We all are. Just be honest about the situation: “Dude, I’m on fire because I waited so long to get started, making this deadline is going to be a nightmare; the quality of what I do is probably going to be pitiful too.” Then don’t do that again. Not because you’re some self-help guru but because you just don’t want to make things hard for yourself.
Move on. Don’t beat yourself up because you made a mistake, even if you kept making the same mistake far longer than you know you should have. There’s no point in that kind of rumination. Just move on. You know better, now you can do better. At the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about: doing better.
There are things that we do and say that aren’t the best choice. But you do have choices. Even if its just which file transfer software you choose to transfer big files.
Making mistakes is okay. Give yourself some grace to get on the right path. Making the same mistake over and over, on the other hand, that’s not advisable if the goal is growth, improvement and easy large file sharing.