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Solve Your Data Transfer Issues at Sea

Data and file sharing at sea can be challenging. Satellite connections are expensive and unreliable, and maritime companies need to move, sync and process information constantly from vessels at sea to HQs on shore.


Solve Your Data Transfer Issues at Sea

Data and file sharing at sea can be a challenge. It’s certainly not as simple as sending files or data on land. For one thing, satellite connections are expensive and unreliable, and it’s an evergreen problem because maritime companies need to share data and information constantly. Even in the most unreliable environments with unstable connections, vessels need to be able to move, sync, and process data with HQs on shore.

The problem is, most vessels currently use email-based systems for data and file sharing. Data packets are assembled into small, email-sized pieces, sent via email, downloaded to a vessel, dis-assembled and then consumed. Email loss and out-of-sequence packets cause major file transfer headaches. Even worse, replicating data from HQ to multiple vessels and syncing large files via email becomes a huge challenge.

Share Files Fast without Interruptions

But what if you had a data and file sharing tool that was like FedEx only better? Meaning, it offered direct sender-to-receiver connections not for packages but to transfer data and information. That would have huge implications when you transfer data across open water because data will be delivered straight to the source immediately. 

Binfer helps maritime companies do two very important things: sync data between vessel and shore, and create a private cloud between the company and its vessels. Data replication becomes easy.

Binfer’s direct device-to-device data transfer technology makes data replication between say, 100 vessels and HQ, seamless, automated, and reliable. So, the issues vessel operators face when managing data over the open ocean – the frustration, time wasted and cost associated with incomplete data transmissions – all of those improve.

A maritime company can have its IT infrastructure in Cyprus, its main servers in Germany, and hundreds of vessels out on the open water. Location is no longer an obstacle for data and information sharing. Whenever, wherever, however data and information need to move, it can be done quickly, easily and inexpensively. Files sizes don’t matter, file types don’t matter, nor do data transmission interruptions because Binfer includes an advanced auto-resume to ensure file sharing do-overs don’t happen.

Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement Has a New Relationship with Data

Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM), alongside its ERP provider, MariApps, needed a way to securely, quickly and reliably replicate large sets of data between its vessels at sea and its central office on shore. Data needed to be transferred frequently and needed to be stored in a centralized database.

BSM’s main mechanism for data transfer was email attachments. Due to the nature of its operations, that created a number of challenges for effective data transfer:

  • Unstable internet connectivity on the vessels added considerable expense caused by retransmission of interrupted data.
  • Ship operations were also interrupted by unreliable data delivery.
  • DVDs with vessel software updates were getting damaged in transit, which presented another data delay.
  • Costs to develop, maintain and manage data transmission code are also quite expensive.

Binfer’s data synchronization module helped to alleviate all of these pain points. The solution was deployed within days. Replication rules were quickly setup to synchronize data between vessels at sea and HQ on shore. There were no central email servers, no size limits, no restarting data transfers from zero.

BSM realized the following results or ROI:

  • Reduced transfer time by 50%.
  • Improved ship operations significantly by keeping information updated.
  • Enabled ships to transfer documents and attachments that were not possible before due to email file size restrictions

Not bad, huh? Even better, BSM is not an atypical story. Some of the top shipping companies around the world have deployed our solution on their vessels. It could help your maritime company too.

Click to learn more: how Binfer works for maritime organizations.



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