What is Direct Device-to-Device Technology?
Direct File Transfer Technology
With Binfer, files transfer directly from the sender’s device to the recipient’s device without getting uploaded on any intermediate servers. This is achieved via a direct TCP connection between the two devices or via a specialized router. After files have transferred via Binfer, there won’t be any extra copies lingering around anywhere. Also, files will transfer at the highest speed allowed by your provider. Contrast this with:
Cloud-based services such as Dropbox or Wetransfer: Your files get uploaded on a server and possibly replicated or backed up on multiple servers depending on their backup policy. A web link is used to retrieve files. Even after files have transferred, they will continue to remain on their servers for an unknown period of time. Bandwidth is shared and slow as people are uploading/downloading from the same provider.
Email: Email can handle about 25MB of maximum file size and files are also uploaded to the provider’s servers. Attaching and downloading files is usually very slow.
File Transfer Protocol(FTP) technology: Files are uploaded to a central server and FTP clients are configured to exchange files via the FTP server. Ports have to be opened, accounts at operating system level created and security closely monitored.
Peer to peer technology such as Bittorrent: Multiple copies of the file are available on several computers. To assemble the complete file at the destination point, many pieces must be downloaded from various computer sources.