File Transfer Time Calculator
This is a free file transfer calculator. Use it to get an estimate of how long it will take to transfer a file of certain size. The duration is an optimistic estimate. Several factors may affect the actual file transfer speed duration.
The estimated duration is what it will take for Binfer to transfer file. Cloud based file transfer will take twice as long as there is an upload and download process involved, that increases the total time it will take for the file to be actually delivered.
Quick Lookup Table
↓Data in GB | →Speed | 640 K - DSL | 1.5M - T1 | 45M - T3 | 156M - OC3 |
1 | 4 hrs | 1.5 hrs | 4 min | 1 min |
3 | 11.5 hrs | 5 hrs | 10 min | 3 hrs |
5 | 19 hrs | 8 hrs | 16 min | 5 min |
10 | 38 hrs | 16 hrs | 32 min | 10 min |
20 | 75 hrs | 31 hrs | 1 hr | 19 min |
How To Use?
- Type the amount of data you wish to send and select the unit.
KB: Kilobytes.1 KB is equal to 1024 bytes.
MB: Megabytes. 1 MB is equal to 1024 Kilobytes.
GB: Gigabytes. 1 GB is equal to 1024 Megabytes.
TB: Terabytes. 1 TB is equal to 1024 Gigabytes. - Type your Internet speed and select the unit.
kbps: kilobits per second
KBps: kilobytes per second
Mbps: megabit per second
MBps: megabytes per second
Gbps: gigabits per second
GBps: gigabytes per second
What Affects Speed?
Network Throughput
Many factors affect the network throughput- ISP capacity issues
- Traffic shaping by provider during peak hours
Data moves over the Internet via specialized devices called routers. Depending on the distance, data may travel over several routers. This could add to the latency, failures and overall delay. -
Type of Internet
If either the sending side or receiving side has an asymmetric internet, the duration will be affected. Also, different kinds of Internet, like satellite connection, DSL or dial up on either side will significantly affect the speed of transfer. -
Computer Process
If there is any heavy processing happening on either the sending or receiving side, then transfers will slow down.